these pictures are from pinterest

I love New Year's Resolutions! I wanted to share my resolutions for 2017 with you guys. I don't have drastic resolutions since I don't think that will work for me. I do have a couple of things I would like to change or achieve in 2017. In other words, my goals for 2017.

CLEAN OUT MY CLOSET. I really need to get rid of clothing that still has it's price tag on and stuff I never wear. My closet is filled with old stuff or stuff I have never, ever worn before. I also have MANY shoes I never wear. But .. I don't think I want to get rid of my shoes haha. 

BUY OUR OWN HOUSE. My boyfriend and I rent a beautiful apartment in the centre of Amsterdam at the moment but we really want to buy our own place. Hopefully this year but maybe in 2018. We'll see. 

GET A TATTOO. I always wanted a tattoo but I never knew for sure what I wanted. Now I think I know what I want so maybe this year ..? 

GO TO BED EARLIER. I really need more sleep. Go to bed earlier and wake up earlier. I think I will be more awake when I don't snooze so much. 

WRITE MORE AND TAKE MORE PICTURES. I love taking pictures but writing is a passion of me as well. And why not do more of what I love and makes me happy? 

BE HEALTHIER. I love vegetables, fruit and everything healthy. It's just that the past year we almost didn't have time to cook a decent meal every night because of work and our move to Amsterdam. 
So I think it's time to MAKE time to eat healthier. Luckily I'm not the only one in this house who wants to eat healthier haha. Oh, and I would love to sport more. 

READ MORE. I really should read a good book. I cant even remember the last time I opened a real book instead of magazines. 

FAMILY. Although we don't live in the same city anymore, my family is still really important to me. So hopefully I can spend a lot of time with them in 2017 as well! 

Do you have any New Year's resolutions yourself? 
2 comments on "THE BEGINNING"
  1. Wat een goede voornemens! Ik hoop dat jullie het perfecte koophuisje vinden dit jaar! :) En ik ben benieuwd welk tattoo ontwerp je gaat laten zetten!

  2. Familie op #1! Altijd ♥ Succes met het vinden van jullie huisje!
