
So much has happened the past few months (Follow me on Instagram for the latest 'news'). Where to start ...

Well, Danny and I bought a dog! A pomeranian named Beer (Bear in English haha). I have so many pictures of him so I will write a full blogpost about him another time. We are so happy with him! It was a 3-4 hour drive to see him for the first time but it was totally worth it! Even Danny is in love with him and he really doesn't like small dogs at all. 

We also bought a iMac. We always wanted one and now we have one so we're super happy with that as well.

Besides all the big purchases we also went to London and Valencia. It was the first time for Danny to visit London so we of course had to visit all the important points of interests. The Big Ben, Bond Street, London Eye, Tower of London and the Thames. The picture above was also taken in London at the Harry Winston shop in New Bond Street (I think ..). I just loved the flowers! It was so beautiful. 

Of course many other things have happened. I will try to post more regularly. I know this isn't the first time I'm saying but I have to admit, I really do miss writing and taking LOTS and LOTS of pictures. It just has been so hectic the past year.. I hope it will get a little less hectic soon though. 

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